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Call for Contributions

Research Track (papers and presentations)

Paper submission: Submissions should be full-length papers of up to six pages (PDF format, double-column, US letter size, using the IEEE format). References and appendices are not included in the page limit. Submissions must be anonymous to allow a double-blind review process. Submitted papers must describe original work that has not been published/accepted and that is not currently under review.

Symposium proceedings: Formal shared ACM/IEEE proceedings will be published containing all accepted papers and will be available through both IEEE Xplore Digital Library and ACM Digital Library.

Artifact review and badging will be available for accepted papers.

Journal special issue: The symposium will collaborate with a major EDA journal for a special issue on MLCAD.

Industry Track (presentations only)

The industry track will provide a forum for sharing industrial experiences on ML applications in chip designs.

Abstract submission: An abstract of 300-500 words must be submitted by May 23, 2025. The first author and most co-authors must have industrial affiliations.

Notification: June 27, 2025.

Slides submission: Presentation slides must be submitted for review by August 1, 2025.

Journal Special Issue

Following MLCAD 2025, ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES) will issue a Call for Papers for a Special Issue on Machine Learning for CAD/EDA, to which you are invited to submit expanded versions of your MLCAD paper.

TODAES special issue for MLCAD 2024 is calling for contributions in the below PDF.